
How do I join?

Club membership is open to all. The club has a large active membership, which is currently around 130. Most club members live in or around Edinburgh, but a small number are scattered throughout the rest of the UK and beyond.

To join, come along to the Thursday pub nights, or email for details about joining online or by post. To join via our online form, click here.

The current annual subscription rate is £35, with a concessionary rate of £22 for the unwaged. This covers the club year, which runs from October to September. For new members wishing to join after the 1st of July, there is a special rate of £40 for 15 months or £27 for the unwaged, from July until September of the following year.

Member Benefits

  • Club newsletter – sent to all club members weekly with details of all the upcoming events.
  • Priority over non-members when booking on to club meets.
  • Free use of the club hut.
  • As a member of the Jacobites you are entitled to receive exactly the same benefits as an individual member of Mountaineering Scotland – for further details click here.
  • Opportunities to buy discounted clothing and equipment through local shops including Tiso, Cotswolds and Nevisport.
  • Club journal – all members receive and can contribute to the annual journal.
  • Members have access to the club gear—communal gear to hire for those who need it.

First meet

Upon joining the club a new member will be exempt from the normal ballot procedure for meets. If it is your first meet (after you have paid for membership) then you will be granted a place on the meet ahead of the ballot for normal members. This is to prevent new members from being balloted off their first meet, thereby helping to welcome new members to the club. The exception to this rule is in the unlikely event that new members form more than 50% of the places on a meet, in which case the new members will be balloted separately to reduce the number to less than 50% of the places on the meet; normal members will then be balloted.

New to Mountaineering?

Unlike many clubs, our membership is open to people to all levels of experience. You must however ensure you have the right equipment, and be honest with yourself and those around you about your experience level. Information on skills and appropriate kit can be found via The Mountaineering Scotland website, for summer and for winter. They also have great info on developing your skills here.

Info for current members

Current members click here for more information on member benefits.

Child protection

The Jacobites Mountaineering Club has a constitution which in clause 3a. states that membership shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability (and other criteria). In addition clause 4. states that the Club is to be organised on friendly, informal lines and novices shall be encouraged to join. However, the Club does not organise activities specifically for children and its activities as a mountaineering club inherently include those that require a high degree of self-reliance and willingness to cope with risky and adverse conditions. In addition, many of its social activities are conducted on licensed premises. Thus the Club has the policy that persons under the age of 18, that is children, are welcome to attend all club activities, but they should be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian.